Lotus Pearl Massage

Massage Therapist in Oswego NY

Explore my services

60 - 120 Minute Massage

Experience the epitome of relaxation with our Swedish Massage, employing gentle strokes for improved circulation and tension relief. Opt for the invigorating Deep Tissue Massage, targeting deeper muscle layers to release chronic tension and enhance flexibility. Tailored for athletes, our Sports & Injury Massage combines techniques to aid recovery, reduce pain, and improve flexibility.

Raindrop Technique

The Raindrop Technique is a method of using a combination of reflexology, aromatherapy, massage techniques, and essential oils applied on your spine and on the feet. The Raindrop Technique is designed to bring balance to the body with its relaxing and mild application.

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues.

man massaging woman's body
man massaging woman's body
